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Microwaving Food Harm - Living Prevention is a microwave-free life

Is Microwaving Food Harmless or Harmful? Find Out from Living Prevention Health Expert | Join the AlternaCare Foundation's Living Prevention Membership

February 14, 20245 min read

Before you put another leftover in the microwave, read this first!

The Hidden Dangers of Microwave Cooking: Unveiling the Truth

The microwave oven, a ubiquitous appliance in American households since the late 1970s, has been a subject of controversy despite its convenience. Recent studies from Switzerland, Russia, and Germany raise significant health concerns, compelling us to reevaluate our use of this device. Is microwave cooking harmless, or does it pose hidden dangers? Moreover, does microwaving organic food offer a safer alternative?

The Impact on Brain Health

Clinical research indicates that long-term consumption of microwaved food can cause permanent brain damage by disrupting electrical impulses and de-magnetizing brain tissue. This "dumbing down" effect raises questions about the appliance's safety and its role in our society.

Unknown By-Products and Hormonal Disruption

The body struggles to metabolize the unfamiliar by-products generated in microwaved food. Regular consumption can lead to the shutdown and alteration of male and female hormone production, highlighting a direct link between microwave use and hormonal health issues.

Nutritional Loss and Cancer Risk

Microwaving alters the nutritional profile of food, reducing the availability of vital minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. Crucially, it transforms vegetable minerals into carcinogenic free radicals, contributing to the increased incidence of stomach and intestinal cancerous tumors. The association between microwave cooking and the surge in colon cancer rates in the U.S. is particularly alarming.

Immune System and Blood Health

The adverse effects of microwaved food extend to the immune system, with notable alterations in lymph gland and blood serum observed. Furthermore, a tragic incident in 1991 involving the death of a patient, Norma Levitt, due to microwaved blood transfusion underscores the profound risks of microwave radiation on biological substances.

The Essence of Microwave Technology

Microwaves work by agitating water molecules in food, fundamentally changing its molecular structure and depleting its nutritional value. This process not only leaves food nutritionally void but also raises concerns about the safety of heating food in plastic containers, which can leach toxins into the food.

EMF Radiation Concerns

The electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by microwaves are another source of worry, adding to the growing body of evidence that suggests a need to avoid these appliances for health reasons.

A Call to Action: Alternatives to Microwave Cooking

Given the compelling evidence against microwave cooking, it’s prudent to explore healthier alternatives. Cooking on a stove or using a toaster oven not only preserves the nutritional integrity of food but also ensures that you avoid the myriad risks associated with microwave use. Opting for traditional cooking methods, even if they require a bit more time, is a small price to pay for the assurance of consuming nutrient-rich meals.

Based on Swiss, Russian, and German clinical studies.

  1. Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long-term, permanent brain damage by "shorting out" electrical impulses in the brain [de-polarizing or de-magnetizing brain tissue], which is part of the "dumbing down" of our society.

  2. The human body cannot metabolize [break down] the unknown by-products created in micro-waved food.

  3. Male and female hormone production is shut down and altered by continually eating micro-waved foods.

  4. The effects of micro-waved food by-products are residual [long-term, permanent] within the human body.

  5. Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of micro-waved food are reduced or altered, so the human body gets little or no benefit. Alter compounds cannot be broken down and absorbed.

  6. Vegetable minerals are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in a microwave oven.

  7. Micro-waved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancer tumors. Microwave cooking has been a primary contributor to the rapidly increased rate of colon cancer in the United States.

  8. The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood.

  9. Continually ingesting micro-waved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.

  10. Eating microwave food causes memory loss, concentration, emotional instability, and decreased intelligence. 

Microwaved blood kills patient -

In 1991, a lawsuit in Oklahoma concerned the hospital's use of a microwave oven to warm blood needed for a transfusion. The case involved a hip surgery patient, Norma Levitt, who died from a simple blood transfusion. It seems the nurse had warmed the blood in a microwave oven. This tragedy makes it apparent that there's much more to "heating" with microwaves than we've been led to believe. 

Blood for transfusions is routinely warmed, but not in microwave ovens. In the case of Mrs. Levitt, microwaving altered the blood, killing her.

Undeniably, microwave radiation "heating" harms the substances it heats. It's also becoming apparent that people who process food in a microwave oven also ingest these "unknowns."

Because the body is electrochemical, any disruption changes human electrochemically affects the body's physiology. As described in Robert O. Becker's book, The Body Electric, and Ellen Sugarman's book, Warning, the Electricity Around You May Be Hazardous to Your Health.

Microwaves hit the scene in the 1940s when convenient food became all the rage. Invented by Percy Spencer, microwaves were marketed as a way to prepare food quickly.

Why am I convinced microwaves are bad news and bad for you and your food? There are many reasons once you do the research, you'll find many including;

  1. Because they change the food at a molecular level. The way they work is by agitating the water molecules in food. The water molecules are ripped apart, completely changing the structure of the food you're heating.

  2. Microwaves deplete nutrients leaves you with a nuked mess of empty calories. So no, microwaving organic food is not a better option.

  3. Heating plastic transfers toxins in the plastic into the food you eat.

  4. The radiation coming from them are a massive amount of EMF's and need avoided.

Please heat your food on the stove or a toaster oven, a few extra minutes of waiting is worth the time to ensure you get nutrients your food offers. 


Is microwaving food harmless or harmful? The evidence leans heavily towards the latter, with microwaving organic food offering no real benefits. The health risks associated with microwave cooking—from nutritional depletion to the potential for causing long-term health issues—make it clear that the convenience of microwaves comes at a significant cost. As we strive for healthier living, reconsidering our reliance on microwave ovens is not just advisable; it's imperative.

Supporting a move away from microwave use not only aligns with a healthier lifestyle but also promotes a more mindful approach to how we prepare our meals. It’s time to prioritize health and nutrition over convenience.

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Kari E. Gray

Kari Gray is CEO of AlternaCare and inventor of the Living Prevention, Not Prescription lifestyle. A visionary for the Health Reinvented crowdfunding campaign, Kari is committed to creating a holistic health system. Awarded and recognized for excellence, Kari is a three-decade terminal liver cancer conqueror who leads the mission for transformative wellness solutions at

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