Our Founders Story

Our story started in 1988 with our founder's terminal liver cancer diagnosis. A story revealed in detail in the pages of her autobiography, "Cures to Cancer" (in development), Kari Gray shares a personal journey through cancer and the 'healthcare system.'

Her "Tragedy to Triumph," story empowers readers with living free of the fear of a cancer or any disease diagnosis. It includes how to protect ourselves from an industry that preys on us for profit.

"Exploiting disease treatments for profit is their narrative, as evidenced by COVID-19." Kari Gray

"When I looked to the 'experts' for answers, I had no hope of survival. Left emotionally devastated, as a mother of three, giving up wasn't an option for me.

My babies needed me, so I chose to fight for them. Under extreme duress, as the clock ticked, I was on my knees in prayer, I begged Jehovah God for answers Those prayers were answered in many ways.

Prayer helped me to realize I needed to be determined to find options. A shift in my thinking led me to a holistic practitioner's door, who coached me through a myriad of changes I needed to make for a chance at remission. I was dedicated and diligent" Kari relates.

This is Health Reinvented

Within months, a miraculous cure happened - over three decades ago. Today, Kari is 'Paying it Forward" with a Health Reinvented vision as CEO of AlternaCare. This ambitious humanitarian is channeling her love for people into empowering them by democratizing health in a refreshing lifestyle message.

Kari states: "We survive 100% of the diseases we never have. That's why Living Prevention Not Prescription makes 'finding cures' that never happen, a moot point because prevention beats cure!

Here's Our

Founders Story

Our story started in 1988 with our founder's terminal liver cancer diagnosis. A story revealed in detail in the pages of her autobiography, "Cures to Cancer" (in development), Kari Gray shares a personal journey through cancer and the 'healthcare system.'

Her "Tragedy to Triumph," story empowers readers with living free of the fear of a cancer or any disease diagnosis. It includes how to protect ourselves from an industry that preys on us for profit.

"Exploiting disease treatments for profit is their narrative, as evidenced by COVID-19." Kari Gray

"When I looked to the 'experts' for answers, I had no hope of survival. Left emotionally devastated, as a mother of three, giving up wasn't an option for me.

My babies needed me, so I chose to fight for them. Under extreme duress, as the clock ticked, I was on my knees in prayer, I begged Jehovah God for answers Those prayers were answered in many ways.

Prayer helped me to realize I needed to be determined to find options. A shift in my thinking led me to a holistic practitioner's door, who coached me through a myriad of changes I needed to make for a chance at remission. I was dedicated and diligent" Kari relates.

Within months, a miraculous cure happened - over three decades ago. Today, Kari is 'Paying it Forward" with a Health Reinvented vision as CEO of AlternaCare. This ambitious humanitarian is channeling her love for people into empowering them by democratizing health in a refreshing lifestyle message.

Kari states: "We survive 100% of the diseases we never have. That's why Living Prevention Not Prescription makes 'finding cures' that never happen, a moot point because prevention beats cure!

Who Are We?

At AlternaCare, we're caring group of volunteers who as, a 501c3 grassroots organization, are committed to Reinventing Health for all who want options to toxic Western medicine.

We believe health is a fundamental human RIGHT!

We believe People are the priority in health, not profit

We believe Preventions, not prescriptions, make a health system great

We believe Corruption in the health system is systemic

We believe Holistic solutions only happen when people who want them self-fund them

If you agree and you're ready for holistic health solutions, join us as a donor-member.

The AlternaCare Mantra

Health is for People, Not Profit and Power!

Welcome to

Health Reinvented!

Do you yearn for better health? Are you tired of feeling health confused? Do you want to know how to live free of preventable pharmaceuticals? If yes! you're not alone.

At AlternaCare, it's time to answer these questions and more. We're here to solve issues, such as there's;

No Consistent Health Advice

No Holistic Healthcare System

No Health Insurance for Holistic Primary Care

No Financial Solutions for People Who Don't Want Conventional Medicine, Health Insurance, or Self-Pay Holistic Primary Care

If you're ready to see change, enjoy real options, and find answers, join us as a donor and let's reinvent health holistically together!

Health Reinvented by AlternaCare, advocating for people who the conventional health system isn't serving

Why It's Time?

Escalating chronic health problems and a prescription(s) at most every visit to the allopathic doctor says it's time to end the madness. When medicine was captured by the deep pockets of the Rockefeller empire a century ago, what was humanitarian became profit-driven healthcare.

It's time to 'grease the wheels of change.'

That's what the Health Reinvented crowdfunding campaign is here to do. Serving people who deserve better, and want better, we can together create solutions that empower change such as;

Children of today won't outlive their parents

80% of "lifestyle-caused" prescriptions are preventable.

88% of the U.S. is considered "health literate."+

80% of diseases are said to be "lifestyle-caused."

70% of premature deaths are preventable.

COVID -19 abuses created distrust in the system.

The question is: What Do We Do Now?

What People Say About Us

Lokesh C.

I have been with Kari E. Gray from AltrernaCare for some time. I like the helping nature of team and its volunteers. They are very friendly. They engage, learn, teach and grow an active community. Highly Recommended.


Helpful information and experiences. There are so many harmful things we eat and use. It is nice to have someone looking out for our good health instead of just wanting the money.


Alternacare is an amazing nonprofit that shares ways to be healthy and avoid disease with prevention. I've had a wonderful experience volunteering and I'm proud to help their cause.


It has been awesome volunteering with Alternacare Foundation. I am grateful I found them and am able to volunteer virtually with tasks I am used to doing anyway. I will continue to virtually volunteer as long as I can with Alternacare.

When is it Happening?

Health Reinvented by AlternaCare, advocating for people who the conventional health system isn't serving

Phase 1 of 3 - Health Reinvented 2024.

AlternaCare's statement of independence from corporate exploitation is NOW! Through this campaign, we invite all who want results that benefit people, not corporations, to join us.

Health Reinvented Built on "Living Prevention."

Prevention, Not Prescription, that's the AlternaCare message. Living a Prevention-first lifestyle is how to escape the matrix. Improved health comes from improved health education and lifestyle is Health Reinvented.

See donor options HERE.

The AlternaCare Mantra

Health is for People, Not Profit and Power!

Click to Watch

This Campaign Funds the Development of:

  • *Living Prevention Technology

  • *Living Prevention Membership

  • *Living Prevention Market

  • *Living Prevention Loyalty Program

  • *Living Prevention TV

  • *Living Prevention App

  • *Living Prevention Roku Channel

  • *Membership Support

  • *Living Prevention Health Coaching

  • *All Member Benefits

  • *Holistic Practitioner Database

  • *Holistic Dentist Database


What We're Crowdfunding

Phase 1 Goal $100,000.00


This Campaign Funds the Development of:

  • Living Prevention Technology*

  • Living Prevention Membership Platform*

  • Living Prevention Market*

  • Living Prevention Loyalty Program*

  • Living Prevention TV*

  • Living Prevention App*

  • Living Prevention Roku Channel*

  • Living Prevention Member Support Team*

  • Living Prevention Coaching Platform*

  • All Membership Benefits*


AlternaCare at alternacare.org is Health Reinveted by Living Prevention, Not Prescription

What People Say About Us

Join us for the changes

you want to see!



AlternaCare Foundation

1317 Edgewater Dr #3286 Orlando FL 32804


AlternaCare & Living Prevention trademarks are federally registered, protected and enforceable.

Any unauthorized use is expressly prohibited.

+Donations are non-refundable.

*In development

Disclaimer: This website content is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. The information contained is not physical or mental health medical care or advice. We are not medical professionals, and this website should not be misconstrued to mean otherwise. There may be risks for people making lifestyle modifications, If you participate in lifestyle changes, do so with the help of a health professional. If you choose to change your lifestyle you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with lifestyle change. This site, this company, and Kari Gray have no liability for risks associated with lifestyle changes, risks or consequences and are exempt from any and all harm.

See Here for Website Terms of Use

AlternaCare Foundation

1317 Edgewater Dr #3286 Orlando FL 32804


AlternaCare & Living Prevention trademarks are federally registered protected and enforceable. Any unauthorized use is expressly prohibited.

+All donations are non-refundable.

Disclaimer: This website content is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. The information contained is not physical or mental health medical care or advice. We are not medical professionals, and this website should not be misconstrued to mean otherwise. There may be risks for people making lifestyle modifications, if you participate in lifestyle changes, do so with the help of a health professional. If you choose to change your lifestyle you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with lifestyle change. This site, this company, and Kari Gray have no liability for risks associated with lifestyle changes.

See Here for Website Terms of Use