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Contact for help with emotional trauma release

Emotional Trauma & Health - Making the Connection

February 14, 20242 min read

Did you know when the brain experiences trauma, it uses organs to store emotions it can't process from shock? Think of organs like closets for the brain. In a crisis, they keep traumatic emotions the brain can't process. These same emotions are energy-draining to the organs. When used to hold traumatic emotions, organs lose their ability to function fully. Long-term stress is how illness results. 

A proven scientific fact happens in the trauma cascade of events: cellular dysfunction results from impaired vitality caused by stored trauma. The reason for dysfunction can have multiple causes. This blog post focuses on low frequency emotions;

  • shame

  • guilt

  • pride

  • anger

  • etc.

Emotions lead to disease

Studies suggest trauma makes us vulnerable to physical and mental health problems. Trauma affects the body and the mind, which has a long-term impact on physical, emotional, and mental health.


Trauma is different for each of us because our worldview processes events differently. What one person views as traumatic, another may find to be problematic. The point is that trauma is unique to the individual. 

That said, there are situations most agree are causes which include:

  • Verbal abuse

  • Loss of a loved one

  • Bullying

  • Living in high-stress areas

  • Neglect

  • Separation

  • Abandonment

  • Sexual abuse

  • Violence

  • Hunger

Whatever the cause of emotional trauma, unresolved and unhealed trauma leads to long-term health consequences.


Suppose you've been through something traumatic and can't process it properly. You find yourself dealing with one or all of the following issues:


Many people report high levels of anxiety after a traumatic event. Different than worry, fear traps us in a flight-or-fight sympathetic nervous state. That's a real health danger long-term.


Even if trauma is well in the past, experiencing flashbacks triggered by specific reminders can be like re-experiencing the trauma again. Flashbacks are far more than unpleasant memories; they live in the moment with the same emotions felt during the trauma. They also create ongoing nightmares.


In an attempt to forget the past and to control emotions, many people turn to substances, drugs, or alcohol, which leads to substance use disorders if left unchecked. Others turn to food to cope with unresolved issues. While others turn to risky behaviors, preferring the moment's thrill rather than dealing with their emotions and memories.


Experiencing high levels of anxiety causes, over time, widespread inflammation, leading to serious health issues like cardiovascular disease, cancer, or autoimmune disease.


A trauma-affected brain is a hijacked brain. This cascade leads to cognitive issues and problems with memory and focus (concentration). In extreme cases, people cannot function at school or work because they cannot focus for long periods.


Now that you better understand trauma's impact on the brain, this is a great time to start working on trauma wounds. If you need help, we have great resources to empower you no matter your budget inside Preventer Membership and our Living Prevention Health Coaching for members.

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Kari E. Gray

Kari Gray is CEO of AlternaCare and inventor of the Living Prevention, Not Prescription lifestyle. A visionary for the Health Reinvented crowdfunding campaign, Kari is committed to creating a holistic health system. Awarded and recognized for excellence, Kari is a three-decade terminal liver cancer conqueror who leads the mission for transformative wellness solutions at

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