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The AlternaCare Blog

Living Prevention Not Prescription

It's Time for Health Reinvented by Living Prevention Not Prescription

October 14, 20232 min read

Designed for us for whom pharma-free living makes sense, my name is Kari Gray; I created the Living Prevention Not Prescription message as part of the Health Reinvented mission at

Kari E. Gray CEO AlternaCare Foundation

As a three-decade terminal cancer thriver, I vowed to give back.

Spending years researching, learning, sorting, and testing health products, services, technology, etc., from marketing claims. I've invested tens of thousands of dollars searching for what moves the needle. I consulted with dozens of experts, traveled the world to find answers, and spent thousands of hours researching and testing to see health truths hidden but not impossible to find.

Now, I work to empower people and companies who want results with such. I began the Living Prevention journey to reverse the list of health issues that the "experts" weren't solving in my health. That's why I created the Living Prevention Not Prescription lifestyle, coaching, and membership to help you live the results not coming from the "experts" in conventional corporate medicine.

Like many, I've had health issues because I didn't understand the connection between my lifestyle decisions, the medical malfeasance of corporate healthcare, and the root causes that led to a long list of health issues. In my wellness journey, I realized I had to take charge of my health by getting educated.

Then came the challenge of being responsible for applying what I learned. That included changing my diet, lifestyle, and priorities. My stress was high, and my priorities were misplaced. I was health-intimidated, health-under-educated, and health confused. I needed clarification, and I needed it to make sense.

Once I understood simple truths, I learned what my body needed, and as a result, my health drastically improved. When I discovered the body's language, I focused on resolving root causes instead of chasing symptoms. That is part of the path to resolving health issues.

You will see measurable progress when you join me as a coaching client. I believe NOW is the time to live empowered.

  • NOW is the time to stop being a health statistic.

  • NOW is the time for uncensored health truths.

  • I believe NOW is the time for transformative prevention education.

  • NOW is the time to Reinvent Health by Living Prevention first.

  • NOW is the time to Reinvent healthcare by holistic medicine.

  • NOW is the time to Reinvent Health Insurance through a new hybrid cost-share community whose members are Living Prevention, using holistic medicine when it matters most.

For details, see

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Kari E. Gray

Kari Gray is CEO of AlternaCare and inventor of the Living Prevention, Not Prescription lifestyle. A visionary for the Health Reinvented crowdfunding campaign, Kari is committed to creating a holistic health system. Awarded and recognized for excellence, Kari is a three-decade terminal liver cancer conqueror who leads the mission for transformative wellness solutions at

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AlternaCare Foundation

1317 Edgewater Dr #3286 Orlando FL 32804


AlternaCare & Living Prevention trademarks are federally registered protected and enforceable. Any unauthorized use is expressly prohibited.

+All donations are non-refundable.

Disclaimer: This website content is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. The information contained is not physical or mental health medical care or advice. We are not medical professionals, and this website should not be misconstrued to mean otherwise. There may be risks for people making lifestyle modifications, if you participate in lifestyle changes, do so with the help of a health professional. If you choose to change your lifestyle you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with lifestyle change. This site, this company, and Kari Gray have no liability for risks associated with lifestyle changes.

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AlternaCare Foundation

1317 Edgewater Dr #3286 Orlando FL 32804


AlternaCare & Living Prevention trademarks are federally registered, protected and enforceable.

Any unauthorized use is expressly prohibited.

+Donations are non-refundable.

*In development

Disclaimer: This website content is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. The information contained is not physical or mental health medical care or advice. We are not medical professionals, and this website should not be misconstrued to mean otherwise. There may be risks for people making lifestyle modifications, If you participate in lifestyle changes, do so with the help of a health professional. If you choose to change your lifestyle you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with lifestyle change. This site, this company, and Kari Gray have no liability for risks associated with lifestyle changes, risks or consequences and are exempt from any and all harm.

See Here for Website Terms of Use