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The AlternaCare Blog

Healthcare or Health Exploitation?

Healthcare or Health Exploitation? Look at the Facts

October 14, 20232 min read

Estimates say 70% of the U.S. population has chronic disease managed by pharmaceuticals. Is the health care system built on disease for profit or cures for disease? Is the system exploiting illness as it suppresses cures to grow profits? Does it use 'research for cures' as a claim manipulating hope to perpetuate hype?"

Let the facts answer these questions as we look at profits in sales to decipher the motive and narrative surrounding these questions.

With prescriptions, flu shots, vaccines, statins, mammograms, and more touted as 'preventions,' millions rely on the advice of their healthcare professional for health advice. But are these "preventions" really prevention? Let the facts show pharmaceutical interests drive profits despite what they lead people to believe.

  • Chronic disease accounts for 81% hospital admissions, 91% prescriptions, 76% Dr. costs

  • Chronic disease health costs are 5x's more than for healthy people

  • Chronic disease is the #1 cause of death in the U.S. - 70% of the time

  • U.S. healthcare is last in advanced nations at #37 -

  • U.S. healthcare spending is 2x the next advanced nation at over $10k per person annually

  • U.S. healthcare spending equals all nation's combined healthcare spending

What is the answer for people who want honesty, integrity, and humanity in this conversation?

Is there health advocacy from any organization whose interest is not in profiting from an agenda but in spreading health truth to empower, educate, and enlighten people?

Seeking to ensure we who want change aren't deceived by corporations looking for lifetime customers, a nonprofit called AlternaCare is a grassroots cause leading the #PreventionNotPrescription movement. The 'Health Reinvented' mission is holistically changing health, health care, and health insurance.

Answering need-to-know questions like

  • Are flu shots dangerous?

  • Are vaccines safe?

  • How effective are statins?

  • Are mammograms really prevention?

  • Is a 'pill for all my ills' really healthcare?

These questions and many more deserve unbiased answers, which is what the AlternaCare Foundation is doing. Founded by a 30+ year terminal liver cancer conqueror, Kari E. Gray has spent years as a health researcher. Advocate - humanitarian sorting propaganda from truth to ensure people who want the truth know how to protect themselves and those they love. The power of truth does not fit the conventional system's 'profit at all cost' agenda.

For more info on how to join, donate, or volunteer, see

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Kari E. Gray

Kari Gray is CEO of AlternaCare and inventor of the Living Prevention, Not Prescription lifestyle. A visionary for the Health Reinvented crowdfunding campaign, Kari is committed to creating a holistic health system. Awarded and recognized for excellence, Kari is a three-decade terminal liver cancer conqueror who leads the mission for transformative wellness solutions at

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AlternaCare Foundation

1317 Edgewater Dr #3286 Orlando FL 32804


AlternaCare & Living Prevention trademarks are federally registered protected and enforceable. Any unauthorized use is expressly prohibited.

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Disclaimer: This website content is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. The information contained is not physical or mental health medical care or advice. We are not medical professionals, and this website should not be misconstrued to mean otherwise. There may be risks for people making lifestyle modifications, if you participate in lifestyle changes, do so with the help of a health professional. If you choose to change your lifestyle you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with lifestyle change. This site, this company, and Kari Gray have no liability for risks associated with lifestyle changes.

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AlternaCare Foundation

1317 Edgewater Dr #3286 Orlando FL 32804


AlternaCare & Living Prevention trademarks are federally registered, protected and enforceable.

Any unauthorized use is expressly prohibited.

+Donations are non-refundable.

*In development

Disclaimer: This website content is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. The information contained is not physical or mental health medical care or advice. We are not medical professionals, and this website should not be misconstrued to mean otherwise. There may be risks for people making lifestyle modifications, If you participate in lifestyle changes, do so with the help of a health professional. If you choose to change your lifestyle you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with lifestyle change. This site, this company, and Kari Gray have no liability for risks associated with lifestyle changes, risks or consequences and are exempt from any and all harm.

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