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Chemo truth

AlternaCare Answers - What is Chemotherapy? Why Knowing Matters. Health is NOT for Corporate Profit.

October 14, 20233 min read

What is chemotherapy, and why does knowing the truth matter? Let me start by saying when I first heard what chemo is, where it came from, and its long, dark, evil history, I was shocked and appalled. 

 A simple Google search for 'What are the ingredients in chemotherapy?' started me down the rabbit hole most people never travel. 

Google Answer; "There are several types of alkylating agents used in chemotherapy treatments. Mustard gas derivatives include Mechlorethamine (nitrogen mustard)

  • Cyclophosphamide (a byproduct of mustard gas)

  • Chlorambucil ( known to be a human carcinogen )

  • Melphalan (a product of nitrogen mustard)

  • Ifosfamide (related to nitrogen mustards)

  • Ethylenimines (a volatile, clear, colorless, flammable, explosive liquid with an odor similar to ammonia)

  • Thiotepa (Thiotepa causes leukemia)

  • Hexamethylmelamine (causes severe blood disorders)

  • Alkyl sulfonates (surfactants or cleaning agents)

  • Busulfan (causes acute myeloid leukemia)

Mustard gas? Does that sound right to you? I now understand the 'why' people who undergo chemo are violently ill. The body is trying to purge poison. 


That led me to another Google search, 'What is mustard gas?' The answer was in plain sight! Google Answer; "Phosgene gas, also known as mustard gas, is a byproduct of bleach combined with ammonia. Other byproducts include hydrochloric acid, chlorine gas, and hydrazine."

Knowing chemo is mustard gas left me shocked and appalled. Mustard gas was used to burn, poison, and murder people in WWI and WWII. The 'gas chambers, the Nazis, said to be "showers" in their camps, were death chambers of poison. Like mustard gas, chemo burns, and brutally poisoning people, making death a welcome relief.

Another Google search, "mustard gas in chemotherapy' proves the sickening eugenics of 'Profits over People.'

The connection between chemical weapons and cancer treatment is outrageous. Why does it matter we know the truth about chemo? Because cancers are increasing globally. 

Worldwide, cancers are skyrocketing, according to statistics

The medical intervention for COVID-19, an injection built on 'immortal cell lines,' were cell lines harvested from aborted babies. Immortal cell lines don't die like normal cells. Billions of people injected with MNRA technology are seeing a dramatic increase in cancer. Immortal cell lines, the foundation of MNRA technology, are the same kinds of cells found in cancer. (

Vaccines for decades have been using cell lines derived from fetal tissue, including:

Unlike other doctors, Cancer doctors can profit from selling chemotherapy drugs. "Hospitals make money on drugs by purchasing wholesale and charging insurers full priceCancer doctors also purchase drugs wholesale, making as much as two-thirds of their income on the "chemotherapy concession," in which they sell and administer chemotherapy drugs in their offices."

Does three and four times mark up on chemo drugs seem like a conflict of interest to you as it does to me? 

Bottom line: before accepting anything in your body, research because nefarious events are happening. Informed consent is vital to make a truly informed decision.

Contact us if you or someone you know is facing cancer and a holistic treatment protocol makes sense. Our cancer coaching program takes a whole person-whole lifestyle approach to nurture your healing journey. It supports your body's healing powers to create a miracle recovery.

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Kari E. Gray

Kari Gray is CEO of AlternaCare and inventor of the Living Prevention, Not Prescription lifestyle. A visionary for the Health Reinvented crowdfunding campaign, Kari is committed to creating a holistic health system. Awarded and recognized for excellence, Kari is a three-decade terminal liver cancer conqueror who leads the mission for transformative wellness solutions at

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