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The AlternaCare Blog

What the Health is Going On?

What the Health is Going On in Corporate Medicine?

February 29, 20242 min read

In the information age, knowing how to protect ourselves from toxins and viruses is urgent. Never before has humanity been inundated with today's toxicity level. 


We need answers to reduce the toxin tsunami behind the epidemic of chronic health issues. 

From toxins in vaccines to radiation in mammograms, cell phones, and microwaves, we live in toxin overload. That makes knowing how to reduce toxin overload urgent.

Change starts with knowing what is toxic. Identifying toxin exposure is a life and health issue. 

If you or someone you know are suffering from health issue such as;

  • cancer

  • Alzheimer's

  • diabetes

  • arthritis

  • autism

  • heart disease

Then, this issue hits home. What's the antidote? Knowing natural prevention is the first step. How to live empowered is a message you won't see in a pharma commercial. 

The words "prevention and cure" are FDA banned. Yes, "cure" is a term prohibited by law, a claim only pharma can claim to cure disease.

With its profits monetizing disease, does it seem logical pharma will cure disease or teach you how to prevent illness?

Pharma is the largest industry globally, and the largest advertiser in media. That translates into a lot of power. Pharma's vested interest is in keeping billions coming in. Beholding to stockholders, means there's no incentive to ensure health improves and chronic diseases are resolved. 

The Story of the Century and the Media Cover-up

Del Bigtree, former producer of the show The Doctors and host of his own show called The Highwire. found himself blocked from reporting on what he considered to be the most incredible story of the decade, Why? Because of the media is in deep with pharma, who is their biggest advertiser.

Are we saying all pharma is evil? No. Some drugs save lives and we are thankful they do. But there's a dark side of the business of pharmaceuticals, and that's the disconnect in this issue. 

The facts show

  • Pharma is the most profitable industry in the world.

  • Pharm exploits chronic and catastrophic diseases, by stopping cures that are discovered, and through lifetime prescription dependency as it's business model. 

The antidote isn't fixing the system, it's in creating a new one. Creating an honest solution where prevention education is the foundation for change. This is part of a disruptive message from a disruptive nonprofit launching a paradigm shift.

Go #PreventionNotPrescription. For details, see or

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Kari E. Gray

Kari Gray is CEO of AlternaCare and inventor of the Living Prevention, Not Prescription lifestyle. A visionary for the Health Reinvented crowdfunding campaign, Kari is committed to creating a holistic health system. Awarded and recognized for excellence, Kari is a three-decade terminal liver cancer conqueror who leads the mission for transformative wellness solutions at

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AlternaCare Foundation

1317 Edgewater Dr #3286 Orlando FL 32804


AlternaCare & Living Prevention trademarks are federally registered, protected and enforceable.

Any unauthorized use is expressly prohibited.

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Disclaimer: This website content is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. The information contained is not physical or mental health medical care or advice. We are not medical professionals, and this website should not be misconstrued to mean otherwise. There may be risks for people making lifestyle modifications, If you participate in lifestyle changes, do so with the help of a health professional. If you choose to change your lifestyle you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with lifestyle change. This site, this company, and Kari Gray have no liability for risks associated with lifestyle changes, risks or consequences and are exempt from any and all harm.

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