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The AlternaCare Blog

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The Benefits of Positive Thinking - How to Train Your Brain

October 14, 20232 min read

Do you see the glass as half-full or half-empty? Are you the person thankful to have a glass to measure your blessings with? 

If so, studies show how thoughts impact physical and mental health. Yes, what we think is essential to our well-being. More than ever, immunity is crucial to wellness and prevention, connected to a positive outlook.

How so?

A study of 70,000 women conducted from 2004 to 2012 found the optimists in the group had significantly lower rates of;

  • heart disease

  • stroke

  • cancer

  • infection

  • respiratory disease

And they conversely had;

  • Better quality of life

  • Higher energy levels

  • Better psychological and physical health

  • Faster recovery from injury or illness

  • Fewer colds

  • Less depression

  • Better stress management - coping skills

  • Longer life span

While positive thinking won't make our problems disappear, it is proven positive thinking makes issues more manageable. That is the crucial difference. Focusing on a better mindset reduces stress and improves our health, immunity, and quality of life.

Challenging situations are part of life; facing them with brain training is to find the good in any situation - finding the 'silver lining' in any cloud. By doing so, we're the winner.

In what way?

For example, someone cancels plans, but instead of getting upset, focus on now; you're free to catch up with a friend, or you're free to do something you enjoy.

The following key in positive brain training is the practice of gratitude. This is a proven way to reduce stress and improve mental and physical health because gratitude improves relationships with others and enhances mood and immunity.

A win all around.

Next time you are upset, switch your thoughts to focusing on good memories or happy ones. Tell someone what you're grateful for. Focus on thanking others and journaling what you are thankful for. You'll improve your life by changing your focus; your example may inspire others.

Another win.

Positive thinking isn't about living in denial of adverse events or emotions or even about denying complicated feelings. When we're at our lowest, we find ourselves most motivated to take positive action to change a situation. In our darkest times, the power of a positive mind will be a superpower.

The key is in choosing to see the good in each situation. What we see is what we focus on, and visa-versa.

Now I'm sending #positivevibes your way to enjoy your great day!!

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Kari E. Gray

Kari Gray is CEO of AlternaCare and inventor of the Living Prevention, Not Prescription lifestyle. A visionary for the Health Reinvented crowdfunding campaign, Kari is committed to creating a holistic health system. Awarded and recognized for excellence, Kari is a three-decade terminal liver cancer conqueror who leads the mission for transformative wellness solutions at

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AlternaCare Foundation

1317 Edgewater Dr #3286 Orlando FL 32804


AlternaCare & Living Prevention trademarks are federally registered, protected and enforceable.

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Disclaimer: This website content is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. The information contained is not physical or mental health medical care or advice. We are not medical professionals, and this website should not be misconstrued to mean otherwise. There may be risks for people making lifestyle modifications, If you participate in lifestyle changes, do so with the help of a health professional. If you choose to change your lifestyle you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with lifestyle change. This site, this company, and Kari Gray have no liability for risks associated with lifestyle changes, risks or consequences and are exempt from any and all harm.

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