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Flu Shots, Vaccines, Statins, Mammograms – Prevention or Poison?

You’ve seen it… we’ve all seen it… flu shots, vaccines, statins, mammograms, conventional ‘prevention’ hype, but are these really “preventions”? Look past the marketing hype; the facts show each exposes people to dangerous toxins. Be it heavy metals in vaccines or radiation in mammograms, the evidence of long-term health hazards provokes us to ask, ‘Is this really health care?’

A closer look at the truth in labeling, where the disclaimers and the small print most never read, or the part of a commercial where the auctioneer-type voice breezes viewers past the dangers while the images portray happy, healthy people using the latest drug. What the brain sees is no consequence. That’s what sells prescriptions. What if you knew this is a setup by greed-driven corporations to sell products no matter the cost or harm to human life or the planet? Would you choose differently?

If you’re on a prescription, you’re not alone.

  • 70% of the US is on one or more prescriptions

  • 88% in the US is classified as ‘health illiterate

  • The results of health illiteracy are that 80% of prescriptions could be eliminated with lifestyle change.

  • 70% of deaths come from a preventable, treatable disease

That’s why knowing the truth about living a Prevention, Not Prescription, lifestyle is life-changing, no matter what you’ve heard.

As a three-decade terminal liver cancer survivor, my name is Kari Gray; I am a health researcher, health advocate, coach, and humanitarian here to ensure that health truth on TV is known through Living Prevention TV.

Empowering you with the know-how to ensure you’re not deceived by corporations who want “cradle to grave” lifetime customers, LPTV brings honesty, integrity, advocacy, and humanity to a topic dominated by a trillion-dollar industry.

Pharma’s financial motives are invested in your not knowing the truth. But if the facts are essential to know. Now it’s your chance to support truth in health at the Health Reinvented crowdfunding campaign, bringing independent media not bought off by pharma to TV.

To donate see


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